
Commercial designations

Commercial designation Scientific names
Castagnola Chromis chromis
Cefalo dorato Liza aurata synonym for Chelon auratus
Cefalo musino Liza saliens
Centroforo Centrophorus granulosus
Cernia Epinephelus marginatus
Cernia bronzina Epinephelus aeneus
Cernia nera Epinephelus caninus
Cernia rossa Mycteroperca rubra
Cheppia Alosa fallax
Cicala grande di mare Scyllarides latus
Corvina Sciaena umbra
Dentice Dentex dentex
Dentice corazziere Dentex gibbosus
Dentice occhione Dentex macrophthalmus
Fieto Stromateus fiatola

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